Models (?) for a pragmatic analysis

Da: (con Marina Sbisà) Journal of Pragmatics, vol. 4, n. 4, 1980, pp. 301-319.

This paper stems from a confrontation between speech act theory and interactionist sociology. Its aim is to clarify the theoretical framework of recent research on verbal interaction with reference to a larger framework of a philosophical and […] includes the following proposals: (i) a distinction between a one-place model and a two-place model of the speech act; (ii) a linking of the one-place model with the structural-functional analysis of social behavior; (iii) a linking of the two-place model with the interactionist analysis of social behavior; (iv) some arguments in favor of adopting an interactionist perspective in pragmatics. In particular, this perspective is shown to involve such notions as strategic interaction, retroactivity of presuppositions, self-modification of the participants’ “selves”, and context change, all of which are relevant to social change.

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A first, shorter version of this paper is included in our Modelli (?) dell’analisi pragmatica, a paper read at the Meeting on “Presupposti ideologici delle ricerche linguistiche” of the Società di Linguistica Italiana (Cosenza, September 1978), forthcoming in the Proceedings (Roma: Bulzoni). As for the present version of our work, we want to thank Rita Giadrossi, Erica Bundi, Doriana de Pretis, and Jacob Mey for their kind help to our efforts to express ourselves in English.
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